If the order status is still 'Confirmed', you can cancel the order by following the below steps:

Step1: Go to 'My account
Step2: Click on 'All orders'
Step3: Open 'Order details'
Step4: Then scroll down to the end of the page, you will find the 'Cancel Order' option.
Step5: Then select the reason for cancellation
Step6: Finally click on 'Submit'

In the case of order 'Packed' and you have selected 'Cash on delivery' as payment method. You can reject receiving the order from the driver.

In the case of order 'Packed' and you have already paid the order via card, contact us through support channels, we will help you in the best possible manner:

Shape, icon Description automatically generated  00966115208333
Icon Description automatically generated  [email protected]
Icon Description automatically generated  8001111090